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    • Dans les 6 jours ouvrables

Lingette Ultra Ace (type humide / paquet)【15 pièces】

Référence pièce:

    • Produit non diponible en Europe

    Quantité :
    Paquet (15 pièces)

    Liste des numéros de pièces

    Nombre d’articles
    Référence pièce

    Quantité de contenu

    Quantité minimale de commande
    1 Pack (15 pcs)
    1 paquets

    15 pièces

    Prix unitaire (hors TVA)(Prix unitaire TTC)
    Jour d'expédition standard
    7.16 €
    ( 8.52 € )
    6 jours ouvrables

    Plus d'informations

    Informations de base

    · High performance wiper using long fiber nonwoven cloth Bemliese® MF from Asahi Kasei Fiber made from cotton. This consists of 3-4 micron fibers in each thread for excellent wiping performance.
    · Cotton is the raw material, so it can absorb and retain water excellently up to about 13 times its own weight. The fabric itself has some moisture content so it is unlikely to generate static electricity.
    · Materials buried in ground returns to soil due to biodegradation by bacteria.
    · Made of continuous long filament, thus lint peeling and falling from the edge or surface is minimal.
    · For mirror finishing and wiping lenses of optical equipment.
    · For maintenance work and cleaning of hotels, buildings, offices, kitchens, etc.
    · For maintenance of computers, OA related equipment and precision equipment.
    · For maintenance and cleaning of machinery, automobiles, vehicles, etc.
    · For work in laboratories and cleanrooms. (Class 1000)