Rockwell hardness testing machine

Rockwell hardness testing machine
Le châssis offre un dégagement maximal pour le positionnement de la pièce.
L'installation de ces testeurs nécessite uniquement une table plane.
Simplicité d'utilisation.
Avec le modèle analogique (HR-110MR, HR-210MR), aucun instrument supplémentaire n'est requis pour le préréglage puisque le testeur intègre un comparateur de préréglage automatique.
En matière de transfert de données, le modèle numérique (HR-320MS, HR-430MR et HR-430MS) est doté d'une sortie Digimatic pour l'impression avec le mini-processeur Digimatic (DP-1VA) ou d'un câble Digimatic USB et d'une sortie RS232C pour la connexion avec un PC.
Dureté Rockwell, charge d'essai 588,4 N ou 60 kgf/980,7 N ou 100 kgf/1471 N ou 150 kgf.
Précharge d'essai 98,07 N ou 10 kgf
Dureté Rockwell superficielle, charge d'essai 147,1 N ou 15 kgf/ 294,2 N ou 30 kgf/441,3 N ou 45 kgf.
Précharge d'essai 29,42 N ou 3 kgf

Référence pièce

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de référence lié au produit recherché.

Référence pièce
Référence pièceRelatif à
Prix unitaire standard
Quantité minimale de commandeRemise sur volume
d'expédition standard
Poids de la machine
Pénétrateur Brinell bille uniquement 1 mm Pénétrateur Brinell bille uniquement 10 mm Sortie données Afficheur Fonctions Poids brut
Résolution HR Modèle Poids net
Réglage de la precharge Résolution Rockwell superficiel bille 1/16 Rockwell superficiel bille 1/2 Rockwell superficiel bille 1/8 Rockwell superficiel bille 1/4 Rockwell superficiel diamant Normes Application de la charge d'essai Durée de la force de test Sélection de la charge d'essai Dureté Rockwell superficielle

5,494.74 €

1 5 jours 47HBW 1/10; HBW 1/30 - indentation only (not according to standard)HBW 10/100 - indentation only (not according to standard)-Analogue dial indicatorTo observe the hardness number within 0,2 HR of the scale unit, as required by ISO 6508-2, the displayed result is to be judged by the dial hand width within the step of the dial gage scale.69,0000,5 HRHR-210MR45,60098,07-Lecture 0,5 HR-----JIS B 7726, ISO6508-2Semi-automaticFixe 3-5-5 secondes ou manuelManual weight exchange-The HR-210MR is an economical Rockwell hardness testing machine to suit practically every application you need. The MR indicates the Rockwell testforce range.It offers you the following benefits:The frame was designed with great care to provide maximum clearance for positioning the work piece. All you need is a flat table for mounting these testing machines.Its outstanding robustness makes it perfect for even the roughest environments.You can attach the clamping device K543817 to for safe operation with hard to handle workpieces.The analogue type HR-210MR uses an automatic presetting dial gauge which makes it easy to operate.You can perform Brinell hardness tests, as indicated, by using the following optional accessories:a Brinell indenter and a measurement microscope.

9,390.79 €

1 60 jours 49,3HBW 1/10; HBW 1/30 - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)HBW 10/100  - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)Digimatic (SPC), RS-232CMatrix backlight LCDGO/NG, Hardness value offset, Hardness conversion, Data output, Calibration mode70,0000,1 HRHR-430MR49,30098,07-Lecture 0,1 HR-----JIS B 7726; ISO6508-2; ASTM E18AutomaticSettable 1-99s.Dial switching-The HR-430MR is an economical Rockwell hardness testing machine to suit practically every application you need. The MR indicates the Rockwell testforce range.It offers you the following benefits:The frame was designed with great care to provide maximum clearance for positioning the work piece. All you need is a flat table for mounting these testing machines.Its outstanding robustness makes it perfect for even the roughest environments.The HR-430MR is very simple to operate. It uses automatic steering wheel braking and load sequencing for easy handling.You can attach the clamping device K543817 to for safe operation with hard to handle workpieces.This digital model can use our Digimatic Mini-processor (DP-1VR) for printing results, and you can use an input tool (USB-ITN-E) to connect to a PC for data transfer, analysis and storage.You can perform Brinell hardness tests, as indicated, by using the following optional accessories:a Brinell indenter and a measurement microscope.

10,646.05 €

1 5 jours 49,9HBW 1/10; HBW 1/30 - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)HBW 10/100 - nur Eindruck (nicht normgerecht durch Anwendung der Prüfvorkraft)Digimatic (SPC), RS-232CMatrix backlight LCDGO/NG, Hardness value offset, Hardness conversion, Data output, Calibration mode72,0000,1 HRHR-430MS49,90029,42; 98.07Dial switchingLecture 0,1 HRHR15TW, HR30TW; HR45TWHR15YW, HR30YW; HR45YWHR15WW, HR30WW; HR45WWHR15XW, HR30XW; HR45XWHR15N; HR30N; HR45NJIS B 7726; ISO6508-2; ASTM E18AutomaticSettable 1-99s.Dial switching147,1; 294,2; 441,3The HR-430MS is an economical Rockwell hardness testing machine to suit practically every application you need. The MS indicates the Rockwell and Rockwell Superficial testforce range. It offers you the following benefits:The frame was designed with great care to provide maximum clearance for positioning the work piece. All you need is a flat table for mounting these testing machines.Its outstanding robustness makes it perfect for even the roughest environments.The HR-430MS is very simple to operate. It uses automatic steering wheel braking and load sequencing for easy handling.This digital model can use our Digimatic Mini-processor (DP-1VR) for printing results, and you can use an input tool (USB-ITN-E) to connect to a PC for data transfer, analysis and storage.You can perform Brinell hardness tests, as indicated, by using the following optional accessories: a Brinell indenter and a measurement microscope.


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Informations de base

Product Type Contrôle de la dureté Adaptation de l'enclume(mm) Ø 19 Hauteur(mm) Max. 180 (100 si le couvercle est fixé)
Test Jominy*** Accessoires complémentaires requis Dimensions de l'unité principale(mm) 214x512x780 Hauteur maximale de l'échantillon(mm) 180
Poids maximal de l'échantillon(kg) 20 Profondeur(mm) Max. 165 mm (à partir de l'axe du pénétrateur) Rockwell bille 1/16 HRFW; HRBW; HRGW
Rockwell bille 1/2 HRRW; HRSW; HRVW Rockwell bille 1/8 HRHW; HREW; HRKW Rockwell bille 1/4 HRLW; HRMW; HRPW
Rockwell diamant HRA; HRD; HRC Accessoires standard 810-39 Flat anvil Ø64mm 810-40 V-anvil outside diameter Ø40mm groove width 30mm11AAB941 Water level383876 Vinyl cover357651 AC adaptorIndenters, reference materials and power cord not included Dureté Rockwell(N) 588,4; 980,7; 1471
Profondeur maxi(mm) 165

Assistance technique