Please refer to P80 to 91 for detailed material on "Compatible wheels." Furthermore, viewing of the "Gatefold version" of this catalog is recommended.
[Features] · Can be used up to a maximum speed of 20 km/h (reference value of our own test data). · The swivel part has a double structure that includes a tapered roller bearing and thrust bearing that can handle strong impacts. · A sealed type radial ball bearing is used for the cushioning fulcrum part as well as the wheel. · Provides quiet and smooth movement without the need for grease to be added. · Reduces the generation of noise as well as the vibrations and shocks that occur during traveling. · By cushioning, there is less burden on both the swivel part and wheel rotation part, enabling the product to last longer.
Remise sur volume
Fichiers CAD 2D disponibles
Configurer maintenant
à partir de∗ :
144.73 €
Prix spécial
Délai d'expédition minimum :
Jour même
*Prix unitaire/configuration de base
Série du produit
à partir de∗
Délai d'expédition minimum
Type à roulettes
Hauteur de montage H(mm)
Plage de charge(daN)
Matériau de la roue
Caractéristiques des roues
Matériau du raccord
Type à trou de montage
Pas du trou de montage, sens de la longueur longue L1(mm)
Pas du trou de montage, sens de la longueur courte W1(mm)
Diam. de filetage
Diam. de roue D(Ø)
Emplacement des trous de montage diamètre circulaire(mm)