ZH, Venturi, modèle compact / modèle en ligne

ZH, Venturi, modèle compact / modèle en ligne
· Lightweight and compact
· One-touch and screw-in connections can be combined
· Body can be mounted and secured


  • The product images are representative images only. Please refer to the manufacturer's catalog for details of the types available

Référence pièce

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Box Type Vacuum Ejector (Built-In Silencer) ZH Series Specifications

Box type / B-type external appearance

Box type / B-type external appearance

Box Type (Built-In Silencer) ZH□□B Ejector display symbols

Box Type (Built-In Silencer) ZH□□B Ejector display symbols

Box type (built-in silencer) structural drawing

Box type (built-in silencer) structural drawing

Model Nozzle Diameter
Body Type *Maximum Vacuum Pressure
Maximum Suction Flow Rate
L/min (ANR)
Air Consumption
L/min (ANR)
S-Type L-Type S-Type L-Type S-type/L-type SUP VAC EXH
ZH05B□ 0.5 Box type
(Built-in silencer)
-88 -48 5 8 13 ø6 mm, Rc 1/8
G 1/8
ø6 mm, Rc 1/8
G 1/8
- 28
ZH07B□ 0.7 12 20 23 28
ZH10B□ 1.0 24 34 46 33
ZH13B□ 1.3 40 70 78 ø8 mm, Rc 1/8
G 1/8
ø10 mm, Rc 1/8
G 1/8

*At a supply pressure of 0.45 MPa.
Fluid: air, Operating temperature: 5 to 50°C, Maximum operating pressure: 0.6 MPa, Standard supply pressure: 0.45 MPa

Box Type (Built-in Silencer) ZH□BS/L-□-□ dimensional drawing


(Unit: mm)


One-Touch Connection

One-touch connection dimensional drawing

One-touch connection dimensional drawing

Model A øB C D E F G H
ZH05BS-06-06 60 6 22 16 16.8 28 5 47
ZH10BS-06-06 63 6 23 18 16.8 29 5 50
ZH13BS-08-10 78 8 27.5 23 18.7 35 7 61
Model I J øK L øM øN O P
ZH05BS-06-06 57 16.8 3.2 24 6 5.8 2 31
ZH10BS-06-06 60 16.8 3.2 26 6 5.8 2 32
ZH13BS-08-10 75 21 4.2 28 10 7.5 3 38.5

One-Touch Connection + Screw-In Connection dimensional drawing

One-Touch Connection + Screw-In Connection dimensional drawing

One-Touch Connection + Screw-In Connection dimensional drawing

Model A øB C D E F G H
ZH05BS-06-01 60 6 29.5 16 16.8 28 5 47
ZH10BS-06-01 63 6 30.5 18 16.8 29 5 50
ZH13BS-08-02 78 8 38.5 23 18.7 35 7 61
ZH05BS-06-F01 60 6 29.5 16 16.8 28 5 47
ZH10BS-06-F01 63 6 30.5 18 16.8 29 5 50
ZH13BS-08-F02 78 8 39 23 18.7 35 7 61
Model I J øK L M øN O P
ZH05BS-06-01 57 12 3.2 24 Rc 1/8 5.8 2 38.5
ZH10BS-06-01 60 12 3.2 26 Rc 1/8 5.8 2 39.5
ZH13BS-08-02 75 17 4.2 28 Rc 1/4 7.5 3 49.5
ZH05BS-06-F01 57 12 3.2 24 G 1/8 5.8 2 38.5
ZH10BS-06-F01 60 12 3.2 26 G 1/8 5.8 2 39.5
ZH13BS-08-F02 75 17 4.2 28 G 1/4 7.5 3 50

*Contact the manufacturer's support center for combinations other than those listed above.

Exhaust Characteristics / Flow Rate Characteristics

ZH05□S exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH05□S exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH05□L exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH05□L exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH07□S exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH07□S exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH07□L exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

ZH07□L exhaust characteristics (left) / flow rate characteristics (right)

*Flow rate characteristics are with a supply pressure of 0.45 MPa.

How to Read Flow Rate Characteristics Graphs

Example flow rate characteristics

Example flow rate characteristics

The flow rate characteristics show the relationship between the vacuum pressure and the suction flow rate of the ejector. It also shows that as the suction flow rate changes, so too does the vacuum pressure. Generally, the relationship shown is at the standard working pressure for the ejector.
In the diagram, Pmax denotes the maximum vacuum pressure, and Qmax denotes the maximum suction flow rate. These values are the values listed as the specifications in the manufacturer's catalog and elsewhere.
Changes in vacuum pressure are expressed in the order below.

  1. 1. When the ejector suction port is closed and sealed, the suction flow rate is 0 and the vacuum pressure is at its maximum (Pmax).
  2. 2. As the suction port is gradually opened and air begins to flow (leak), the suction flow rate increases and the vacuum pressure decreases. (State of P1 and Q1)
  3. 3. As the suction port opens further and on to the fully opened state, the suction flow rate reaches its maximum value (Qmax), and the vacuum pressure becomes close to 0 (atmospheric pressure). Thus, as the suction flow rate changes, so too does the vacuum pressure. In other words, if there is no leak in the vacuum port, the vacuum pressure will be at its highest level. As the leakage amount increases, the vacuum pressure decreases and becomes close to 0 when the leakage amount and the maximum suction flow rate become equal.
    Be aware that when suctioning a workpiece that is breathable or has a leak, the vacuum pressure will not be very high.


  • Mounting: Be careful not to apply an excessive load or generate moments to the ejector body via the connection port or by mounting.
  • Exhaust piping: On the ZH□□B□ models, keep exhaust ports open on at least one side.
  • Selection and sizing: Refer to the manufacturer's catalog for information on how to select vacuum equipment models.
  • *Refer to the manufacturer's catalog for product information not detailed above.
Référence pièce
Référence pièce
Prix unitaire standard
Quantité minimale de commandeRemise sur volume
d'expédition standard

48.38 €

1 98 jours


  1. 1

Informations de base

Type Unité Fonction supplémentaire Silencieux Vide limite(kPa) -88
Débit de consommation d'air(l/min) 78 Forme du port de connexion du port de vide Rc1/4 Forme du port de connexion du port d'alimentation en air Rc1/8
Application Article seul Plage de pression de fonctionnement(MPa) 0.45::0.6 Plage de températures de fonctionnement(°C) 5:50
Débit d'aspiration(l/min) 40 Diam. de buse 1,3mm

Vous vous trouvez sur la page de ZH, Venturi, modèle compact / modèle en ligne, le numéro d'article est le suivant: ZH13BS-01-02.
Veuillez trouver plus de détails concernant les particularités et les dimensions sous le numéro d'article ZH13BS-01-02.

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