notre politique environnementale
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Bienvenue dans le nouveau catalogue électronique de MISUMI !
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We, MISUMI Europa GmbH, have set ourselves the goal of using our natural resources responsibly and minimizing or avoiding the environmental impact resulting from our business activities. To improve our environmental performance, we have determined the requirements that arise from the context of our company and derived appropriate goals and measures from them. Our objectives are measurable and are regularly reviewed.
Since the beginning of 2024, we have been supplied with green electricity at all locations. The electricity is certified by the “Green Electricity Label”, which is issued by environmental associations. With Mainova ÖkoPremium energy we actively support the expansion of renewable energies, like renewable power generation plants, future projects and new sustainable technologies or investments in direct green electricity supply.
As a trading company, we see particular challenges in avoiding waste and packaging our products in a way that saves resources. In our modern logistics center, we place high demands on efficient energy consumption and the reduction of CO2 emissions when transporting our products. We meet these challenges by integrating sustainability measures into the underlying business processes. The necessary financial and human resources are made available for this purpose.
Managers and employees who are tasked with contributing to the effective implementation of environmental protection measures get the support of management at all times. Appropriate communication within the company should make all employees aware of the need to handle our natural resources carefully and to support our environmental goals and contribute to their fulfillment.
To implement the environmental policy and to constantly improve our environmental performance, we have an environmental management system that is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001 and is regularly checked by independent auditors. In addition, an energy audit according to DIN 16247-1 takes place every 4 years, which helps to optimize our energy consumption and identify potential savings.
We have decided for a high level of transparency on all sustainability issues. In addition to protecting the environment, this also applies to the obligation to social and ethical issues as well as responsible corporate management and ensuring sustainable supply chains. We have been providing information on the two recognized platforms EcoVadis and since 2022 and have received a corresponding rating.
In addition, this year we will commit to the UNGC (United Global Compact) and SBTi (Science-based Target Initiative) initiatives to establish, track and disclose our quantitative targets on a scientific basis. In particular, the targets for reducing CO2 emissions have been created for the entire MISUMI Group with all its locations and for around 12,000 employees and are binding for every branch.
Taking responsibility means identifying issues, recognizing problems and working out solutions. We have analyzed the following topics and included them in our environmental policy.
Protection against pollution and soil contamination
Careful handling of water and effluent
MISUMI is therefore committed:
Measures are defined as part of our environmental program if a need for action has been identified in accordance with our commitment. Since, due to our business activities, water is only used in normal household quantities and there are no machines or systems that require water for manufacturing processes, no dedicated water management has been implemented. Risks in dealing with extinguishing water or the discharge of effluent are named in the emergency management.
Dealing with waste responsibly
Avoiding, reusing and properly disposing of waste is critical to being environmentally responsible with our resources. Responsible handling of waste is one of our environmental goals (see Section 2.1). That is why waste is separated into paper, plastic and residual waste. Properly marked separation containers are used for this at both locations. The principle of waste avoidance also applies: Most documents are stored electronically, documents only need to be printed out if it is unavoidable from a legal or procedural point of view. If possible, packaging is used several times.
In addition to the usual household waste, the logistics site mainly produces packaging waste. These are separated according to the types of waste, residual waste, paper and plastic. Appropriately labeled containers have been placed in many work areas for this purpose. There are also separate collection areas for electronic waste and scrap metal.
Since no hazardous waste is generated at any site, there are no guidelines for this. Only old batteries accumulate in normal household quantities and are collected and taken to suitable collection points.
The waste process in logistics is documented and supplemented by instructional documents. All waste is recorded in a waste register. The use of packaging materials is also documented.
Reduction of CO2 Emissions
As a trading company, we do not operate any production facilities, but as part of the supply chain, we also feel obliged to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. We record our energy consumption and the associated CO2 emissions for both locations.
The indirect CO2 emissions caused by the freight transport of our goods, primarily from Asia, are a significant part. These CO2 emissions are also recorded for air transport as well as for ship and road transport. Total emissions are disclosed.
Quantitative and scientifically verifiable targets have been set for our emissions.
The involvement of employees and suppliers is essential for the successful implementation of the goals and measures described below.
Appropriate information and instructions are provided to make our employees particularly aware of how to save energy. In the logistics center, avoiding and separating waste will continue to be discussed.
In preparation for the new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LKsG), our suppliers are increasingly being included in the overall sustainability management, of which environmental management plays a significant role. Our key suppliers are evaluated with regard to all ESG issues via a newly implemented application. We stand by our obligation to make our contribution to meeting the sustainability requirements.